At times a Test Text message that is sent before making your Project live will not arrive at the specified number. Not to worry, simply check these aspects to troubleshoot what might be preventing it from arriving successfully.

  1. Test an included URL by deleting it from the message and sending yourself a test. If a test delivers with the link removed, most likely your link has been flagged. Try the message with a fresh shortened link using the free RumbleUp URL Shortener in the Tools section of your account.

  2. Rephrase the message. Aim for 200-500 characters with a friendly message that includes a question.

    Do NOT include:
    ❌ ALL CAPS
    ❌ @first_name@ placeholder
    ❌ Public shortened URLs
    ❌ Multiple URLs
    ❌ Exaggerated fundraising amounts
    ❌ Special characters
    ❌ Multiple exclamation points or question marks
    ❌ Use one-word opt-out instructions (“STOP=end”) instead use spaces (“Reply STOP to end”)

    Optional: You can try removing different phrases one at a time and sending a test message to identify the content triggering the spam block. If you receive a test message after removing a phrase, that phrase may have been the spam trigger.

  3. Confirm you have received a test message before making the project live

  4. Respond to replies promptly as you receive them

  5. Opt-out contacts who do not want to hear from you

Still going to spam or haven’t received a test message after 45-60 minutes? Contact support here.

 Note:  If your traffic is registered, please see the last section of this help doc to further investigate